Wall Control Software, by Datapath

WallControl 10 for Genetec

Integrated video wall management software for security markets


For the modern security suite

Security Suites require a great deal of information to be viewed, processed and actioned. Security operators not only require instant access to the correct camera feed but also need to present and share it to a wider audience.

Having a single all in one solution is critical to the smooth operation of the security suite. Operators must be able to maintain their focus at all times and not have to worry about dealing with more software applications than necessary.

Integrated video wall control

Using WallControl 10 for Genetec Security Center workstation operators are able to seamlessly drive video walls directly without needing to constantly switch between different applications.

The WallControl 10 plug-in is available directly in the Genetec interface. Using the simple plug-in interface, operators can send live or recorded camera feeds to the video wall. At the click of a button the plug-in can be used to send a single camera to the wall or all of the cameras present in the current view.

Top Features

Share View

This feature takes the camera feeds from within the operator ‘‘View’’ and displays them on the video wall within the selected zone

Extract Cameras

If the user view contains camera carousels, whereby a number of cameras can be cycled in a loop, the Extract feature allows the cameras currently ‘’on top’’ to be sent to the video wall. This allows an operator to see a camera of particular interest on the wall whilst the carousel continues on their local screen

Camera Discovery

WallControl 10 for Genetec Security Center will recognise all cameras that are available within Genetec’s server and automatically populate WallControl 10 with the correct settings, making the set up process simple


WallControl 10 for Genetec Secuity Center version 5.8 and above.

Track My View

Selecting Track My View will automatically send the cameras from each operator view to the video wall without the need for the operator to share each time. Tracking my view enables the operator to focus on their work without having to remember to additionally add cameras to a video wall

Deploy Layout Files

As is possible when using WallControl 10, Security Center users are able to deploy saved layout files onto the video wall. This allows for captured video, such as a TV signal or PC to be directly displayed onto the wall alongside the video cameras


The Plug-in is supported in Genetec Security Center version 5.8 and above.
WallControl 10 for Genetec Security Center requirements: Datapath VSN OR Iolite system with WallControl 10 Pro installed

Why use WallControl 10 for Genetec Security Center

  • You have one or more medium to large scale video walls.

  • You require full capabilities of video wall control management software in one application.

  • You would like to manage your video wall effectively without compromising the focus of the operators.

  • You need an efficient way to share cameras to a video wall.

  • You would like to create and save layouts, and easily deploy them on screen.


Available with VSN, and iolite
wall controllers